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The Yawanawa tribe

The Yawanawá tribe is a group of indigenous people who live in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil, occupying the Gregório River Indigenous Land. The Yawanawa have lived in harmony with the forest for thousands of years and have maintained their culture and traditions despite European colonisation. The Yawanawa are from the Pano linguistic root like […]

Tsunu Sacred Snuff Rapé Yawanawá

Cendres sacrées

Les cendres sont un ingrédient essentiel du tabac à priser Sacred Rapé. Elles sont brûlées à partir d'une variété d'arbres comme le Tsunu, le Parica, le Murici et d'autres.

Guerre, pétrole et profit : dos au précipice, les U'wa se mobilisent contre l'extraction pétrolière

By Jake Ling / Intercontinental Cry Featured image: Inside the United U’wa Resguardo on the cloud forests along the Colombia-Venezuela border. Photo: Jake Ling This is the final installment of “The Guardians of Mother Earth,” Intercontinental Cry’s four-part series examining the Indigenous U’wa struggle for peace in Colombia. The vast wetland savanna called Los Llanos stretches thousands of […]

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