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rapé du mois gesileu caboclo

Caboclo Gesileu - Rapé du mois

Gesileu Phaspy Ninawa: A Guardian of the Living Pharmacy of the Amazon Rainforest In the city of Rio Branco, in the state of Acre, there resides an extraordinary man named Gesileu Phaspy Ninawa. Gesileu is a true master in the art of ancestral medicine. His knowledge has been acquired through years of studying with the […]

Pedro Univu Kuntanawa

[section video_visibility=”hide-for-small” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [ux_banner height=”197px” bg=”56186″ bg_size=”original” bg_pos=”93% 38%” video_visibility=”visible”] [/ux_banner] [/section] [section video_visibility=”visible”] For those who want to hear! Simple but profound words from a true teacher of the forest, a master of the plants. Our dear friend and partner Pedro Univu Kuntanawa is sharing a little of his vison of the forest and […]

Kenes, l'art sacré indigène

There is no art so unique among the indigenous people that inhabit the Peruvian-Brazilian border than the Kene Kuin, known as the ‘true drawing’. The graphics of this people.  are an important part of the cultural identity of the Kaxinawá tribe. In today’s post, we are going to talk more about the Kene Kuin, the […]

Chef Yawanawá - Rapé du mois

[section label=”WEB” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [title text=”The new yawanawá rapé – chief” tag_name=”h1″ visibility=”hide-for-small”] [ux_image id=”52303″ link=”https://staging.sacredconnection.co/product/yawanawa-rape-chief/” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [ux_text visibility=”hide-for-small”] What is it? Rapé Chief comes straight from Nixiwaka, also known as Biraci Brasil, Chief of the Yawanawa tribe. This is a very special snuff, made with a mixture of three types of tobacco: Moi tobacco, native […]

Huni Kuin

Le Huni Kuin

“The shaman gives and takes life. To become a shaman, you go alone into the forest and wrap your entire body in embira. You lie down at an intersection with your arms and legs outstretched. First come the night butterflies, the husu, who completely cover your body. Next comes the yuxin who eats the husu […]

Le Katukina

For the past few years we have been working closely with chief Fernando Katukina, leader of his people. We have been helping to realize projects in their community. His family has been supplying us with Katukina medicines and handicrafts. To the great sadness of all who knew him he passed away earlier this year. We […]

Qu'est-ce que Rapé ?

What is Rapé? Rapé (pronounced “ha-pay”) is a shamanic and sacred tobacco-based snuff used across Amazonian indigenous groups. Searching online this question is most of the time answered focusing on the French origin of the word rapé. Maybe ingredients are mentioned: powdered tobacco, ashes and maybe some other plants. To a certain extent that tells […]

Tsunu Sacred Snuff Rapé Yawanawá

Cendres sacrées

Les cendres sont un ingrédient essentiel du tabac à priser Sacred Rapé. Elles sont brûlées à partir d'une variété d'arbres comme le Tsunu, le Parica, le Murici et d'autres.

Le début

The beginning There was a time when death hadn’t reached humankind yet and the people lived in the forest, their king was called Ruwá. They provided their food by hunting, for this they had a special technique, there was a little hut in the middle of the forest where the chief would wait with his […]

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