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Un voyage d'étude : Le fabricant de rapé Jesse raconte l'histoire de la création de son rapé Paricá.

[ux_video url=”https://youtu.be/mLH79FMCU78″] The Meaning of Caboclo In Brazilian culture, more specifically to the peoples that reside in the Amazon Forest, the word Caboclo carries the weight of the unification of different cultures: people considered to be caboclos are of mixed ancestry, often a genealogical combination of European, Indigenous and African heritage and genetics. This fusion […]

une photo de Shawãcaiá Shawãdawa

Shawãcaiá Shawãdawa - L'histoire d'un fabricant de rapé

[ux_video url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjPvxP1VaHE&t=172s”] Rupusuty: The snuff of the Shawãdawa Rupusuty is the name the Shawãdawa people give to their Rapé, a word whose meaning is closely related both to the practical study of medicinal plants itself and the spiritual strength that revolves around the sacred power of healing that Mother Nature shares with us. The Shawãdawa […]

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