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Gesileu Phaspy Ninawa-

La démystification de la médecine sacrée : un entretien avec le Maître Rapé Maker Gesileu Phasphy Ninawa

To this day, misconceptions and prejudiced opinions regarding natural medicine, especially the kind practiced by Native Folk, are still deeply rooted in our society. While some consider it to be lesser and inaccurate, claiming that there’s no science behind the beliefs and practices of these peoples and their healing, medicinal procedures and rituals, others simply […]

rapé du mois gesileu caboclo

Caboclo Gesileu - Rapé du mois

Gesileu Phaspy Ninawa: A Guardian of the Living Pharmacy of the Amazon Rainforest In the city of Rio Branco, in the state of Acre, there resides an extraordinary man named Gesileu Phaspy Ninawa. Gesileu is a true master in the art of ancestral medicine. His knowledge has been acquired through years of studying with the […]

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