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The word ‘sananga’ refers to a number of different traditional eye drops used in some Amazonian cultures. Medicinal eye drops are used by Amazonian peoples such as the Matsés, Huni Kuin, Yawanawá and Ticuna for their wide-ranging healing properties, and as a source of spiritual exploration. The reported benefits of sananga include the treatment of […]

Guerre, pétrole et profit : dos au précipice, les U'wa se mobilisent contre l'extraction pétrolière

By Jake Ling / Intercontinental Cry Featured image: Inside the United U’wa Resguardo on the cloud forests along the Colombia-Venezuela border. Photo: Jake Ling This is the final installment of “The Guardians of Mother Earth,” Intercontinental Cry’s four-part series examining the Indigenous U’wa struggle for peace in Colombia. The vast wetland savanna called Los Llanos stretches thousands of […]

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