O seu carrinho
Haux Haux

Haux Haux, o seu significado sagrado e a sua história.

Haux In the beginning… In the tradition of the Huni Kuin creation began with the cosmic Jiboia or Boa constrictor who brought creation and taught the use of the sacred medicines to the people. The first sound emitted was Haux Haux, the beginning of all. As in many traditions it all started with sound sound […]

Dona Mariana Kuntanawa

A família Kuntanawa

The Kuntanawa Tribe The Kuntanawa were reportedly wiped out due to the violent targeting of indigenous peoples during the rubber plantings that were incorporated in Acre between the late 19th and early 20th centuries known as raids. The last known descendants of this society are part of a large family, previously referred to as “the […]

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