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Kuntanawa Samauma Flower – Rapé of the month

[section label=”WEB” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [ux_banner height=”336px” bg=”56746″ link=””] [/ux_banner] [/section] [section label=”MOBILE” visibility=”show-for-small”] [ux_banner height=”500px” height__sm=”287px” bg=”56747″ bg_pos=”52% 39%” link=””] [/ux_banner] [/section] [section] December 2022, the end of the year is drawing close, a time of endings and new beginnings, of celebrations and contemplation. [ux_video url=”″] [row] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] As our Rapé Sacred Snuff of […]

Pedro Univu Kuntanawa

[section video_visibility=”hide-for-small” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [ux_banner height=”197px” bg=”56186″ bg_size=”original” bg_pos=”93% 38%” video_visibility=”visible”] [/ux_banner] [/section] [section video_visibility=”visible”] For those who want to hear! Simple but profound words from a true teacher of the forest, a master of the plants. Our dear friend and partner Pedro Univu Kuntanawa is sharing a little of his vison of the forest and […]

The Apurinã Tribe

[section] The Apurinã The Apurinã have a complex cosmology and ritual cosmos that is dispersed across many locations around the banks of the Purus. The two rubber cycles’ violent interactions in the Amazon area have had a significant impact on their history. They are battling now for their rights. Some of their holdings are still […]

Kenes, The Indigenous Sacred Art

There is no art so unique among the indigenous people that inhabit the Peruvian-Brazilian border than the Kene Kuin, known as the ‘true drawing’. The graphics of this people.  are an important part of the cultural identity of the Kaxinawá tribe. In today’s post, we are going to talk more about the Kene Kuin, the […]


The Yawanawa tribe

The Yawanawá tribe is a group of indigenous people who live in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil, occupying the Gregório River Indigenous Land. The Yawanawa have lived in harmony with the forest for thousands of years and have maintained their culture and traditions despite European colonisation. The Yawanawa are from the Pano linguistic root like […]

More about Rapé | Sacred Connection | Hapé | What is Rapé

More about Rapé…

Many people ask what is Rapé? Rapé or Hapé is a shamanic snuff, usually made with tobacco and found throughout the Brazilian Amazon. Traditional Amazonian medicine and shamanism uses it as a medicinal herb, and as a tool for shamanic journeying. Many people ask what is Rapé? The word Rapé comes French and means finely […]

Yawanawá Chief – Rapé of the month

[section label=”WEB” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [title text=”The new yawanawá rapé – chief” tag_name=”h1″ visibility=”hide-for-small”] [ux_image id=”52303″ link=”” visibility=”hide-for-small”] [ux_text visibility=”hide-for-small”] What is it? Rapé Chief comes straight from Nixiwaka, also known as Biraci Brasil, Chief of the Yawanawa tribe. This is a very special snuff, made with a mixture of three types of tobacco: Moi tobacco, native […]

Huni Kuin

The Huni Kuin

“The shaman gives and takes life. To become a shaman, you go alone into the forest and wrap your entire body in embira. You lie down at an intersection with your arms and legs outstretched. First come the night butterflies, the husu, who completely cover your body. Next comes the yuxin who eats the husu […]

The Katukina

For the past few years we have been working closely with chief Fernando Katukina, leader of his people. We have been helping to realize projects in their community. His family has been supplying us with Katukina medicines and handicrafts. To the great sadness of all who knew him he passed away earlier this year. We […]


The word ‘sananga’ refers to a number of different traditional eye drops used in some Amazonian cultures. Medicinal eye drops are used by Amazonian peoples such as the Matsés, Huni Kuin, Yawanawá and Ticuna for their wide-ranging healing properties, and as a source of spiritual exploration. The reported benefits of sananga include the treatment of […]

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