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What is Rapé?

What is Rapé? Rapé (pronounced “ha-pay”) is a shamanic and sacred tobacco-based snuff used across Amazonian indigenous groups. Searching online this question is most of the time answered focusing on the French origin of the word rapé. Maybe ingredients are mentioned: powdered tobacco, ashes and maybe some other plants. To a certain extent that tells […]

Sacred Connection Sacred Snuff TI Yawanawá Gregorio River

A day in the forest with the Yawanawá tribe.

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Amazon tribe creates 500-page traditional medicine encyclopedia

In one of the great tragedies of our age, indigenous traditions, stories, cultures and knowledge are winking out across the world. Whole languages and mythologies are vanishing, and in some cases even entire indigenous groups are falling into extinction. This is what makes the news that a tribe in the Amazon—the Matsés peoples of Brazil […]

Tsunu Sacred Snuff Rapé Yawanawá

Sacred Ashes

Ashes are an essential ingredient in Sacred Rapé Snuff. They are burned from a variety of trees like Tsunu, Parica, Murici and others.

The beginning

The beginning There was a time when death hadn’t reached humankind yet and the people lived in the forest, their king was called Ruwá. They provided their food by hunting, for this they had a special technique, there was a little hut in the middle of the forest where the chief would wait with his […]

War, petroleum, and profit: with their backs against a cliff, the U’wa mobilize against oil extraction

By Jake Ling / Intercontinental Cry Featured image: Inside the United U’wa Resguardo on the cloud forests along the Colombia-Venezuela border. Photo: Jake Ling This is the final installment of “The Guardians of Mother Earth,” Intercontinental Cry’s four-part series examining the Indigenous U’wa struggle for peace in Colombia. The vast wetland savanna called Los Llanos stretches thousands of […]

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